Betting On Our Future Resources
At the end of each funding cycle, the CFNLP produces a toolkit/final report to showcase the projects that youth developed to raise awareness of problem gambling and how it affects California's young people. The toolkits outline engagement strategies, share reports and research, and include brief highlights of each of the videos and live performances created by participants.
Please feel free to download the toolkits below and share the information with your community. If you would like a hard copy mailed to you, contact Nani Dodson.
★ 2009-10 Betting On Our Future Toolkit
★ 2010-11 Betting On Our Future Toolkit
★ 2011-12 Betting On Our Future Toolkit
★ 2012-13 Betting On Our Future Toolkit
★ 2013-14 Betting On Our Future Informational Sheet
★ 2014-15 Betting On Our Future Toolkit
★ 2016-17 Betting on Our Future Toolkit-Calendar
Additional Resources: Betting On Our Future: A retrospective qualitative analysis of a youth problem gambling awareness program (UCLA Gambling Studies)