Impaired Driving
Although alcohol consumption is illegal for young people, it is nevertheless a prevalent problem with youth and young drivers. Impaired adult drivers not only pose risks on our roadways but they model behaviors that inform the attitudes of young drivers as well.Friday Night Live chapters use these tools to raise awareness of the dangers of underage drinking and impaired driving.
Casey's Pledge
Honoring the memory of Casey Goodwin, an advocate for positive, healthy lifestyles cut short by the very thing she spent her young life fighting against, drinking and driving. Casey was only 20 when she was killed by an 18-year-old drinking driver as she traveled home from college for her mother’s birthday. She was devoted to the prevention of alcohol-related issues, and was recognized allover the State of California as an advocate for her peers. Casey’s Pledge encourages young people to commit to staying alcohol free or not drinking and driving, and not getting in the car with a drinking driver.
DUI Court in Schools
DOWNLOAD: DUIC Program Development | Why 21? | District Attorney's Office Talking Points | Youth Partners Talking Points | Sample Press Release - Shasta County | Sample Press Release - San Bernardino County

Every 15 minutes someone dies as a result of a drinking driver crash. The Every 15 Minutes program, from the California Highway Patrol (CHP) and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS), is a two-day event that challenges high school students to think about drinking, driving, personal safety, the responsibility of making mature decisions and the impact their decisions have on family, friends, and many others. During these two days, students will experience what it is like to have their peers, friends, and loved ones die in a mock-drinking-driver-crash that is displayed and played out for the entire school to see along with personalized funerals (assemblies), burial sites, the students’ absence for the two-days, and other features. This program is designed to leave a lasting impact on the young people, their families, and the entire community – a reminder to never drive after drinking or get into the car with a drinking driver.
For more information on how to implement Every Fifteen Minutes in your school, visit the CHP Every Fifteen Minute website.
Additional Resources for Impaired Driving Projects