Yolo County
The Yolo County Friday Night Live Youth Council (YCFNLYC) is working on a policy to reduce secondhand smoke in multi-unit housing (MUH) in West Sacramento. Their ultimate goal is to have West Sacramento City Council adopt a city-wide smoke-free multi-unit housing policy. The outcomes of this project are to develop a community-wide educational campaign, conduct stakeholder presentations about second-hand smoke in MUH to gain support for a local policy, and educate local elected officials to encourage the adoption of a public health policy limiting smoking in multi-unit housing.

West Sacramento billboard featuring the campaign’s slogan

Yolo County campaign poster design
San Joaquin County
Members of various Club Live Chapters provided vaping prevention presentations throughout March 2022. The students worked in teams to develop their presentations as they gathered statistics and information about youth who use, reasons why youth vape, the effects on the body, and where to find help to stop using.

Preparing for presentation Presenting to 6th grade Presenting to 7th and 8th grade
During Red Ribbon Week 2021, Club Live hosted a “No Vaping” Drawing Contest.

Winning entries of the Red Ribbon Week drawing contest.